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" We won't have a society if we destroy the environment" - Margaret Mead.
At Green Fizz, we believe that growth is possible only through sustainable development. Hence it is important to restore as much as one can.
We abide by two systems for replenishing our water. Not only do we harvest rainwater, we also recycle the water we use through an elaborated process that treats the water to make it reusable. Along with these two, we also convert steam to water through condensation.
We deal with our effluents according to norms set by the West Bengal Pollution Control Board.
The plastic bottles we use are sent to approved vendors who send them to recyclers.
Ash makes land infertile if released recklessly. To prevent that from happening, we have mechanical dust collector back filters that help us bag up the ash.
It is our motto to preserve the environment not only for today but for tomorrow as well.
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